Spencer’s Body Shop Celebrates 25 Years

Nestled within the serene landscapes of Floyd, Spencer’s Body Shop has been more than just a place for automotive repairs. It is a symbol of community, dedication, and a quarter-century legacy. Under the ownership and guidance of Kenny Gardner, this family-owned establishment has not only weathered the tides of change but has become an integral part of Floyd County’s identity. The shop has become a testament to hard work, integrity, and a commitment to service. 


The Gardner family has been a part of the Floyd community for 100 years. In fact, Kenny’s family lived just down the road from where Spencer’s Body Shop is currently located for two generations.  Before Spencer’s Body Shop became a staple in Floyd, Kenny Gardner ventured into various work experiences which laid the foundation for his eventual foray into the automotive industry. His early days involved spray painting church furnishings and working at an Exxon station alongside his uncles, Bob and Dave. The tales of replacing parts and working on cars as a boy hinted at Kenny’s early passion for automobiles. Kenny always enjoyed working on cars and believes that he inherited this desire from family.

The decision to step into the body shop business was not just a professional move for Kenny; it was a calling. In July 1999, with a mix of excitement and determination, he acquired Spencer’s Body Shop from the shop’s namesake, Spencer Vaugh, which was a pivotal moment that set the stage for a remarkable journey. Running a successful business is never without its challenges, The Body Shop was no exception. When asked what some of the most challenging aspects have been, Kenny remembers the early days being especially hard. Spencer’s brother, Mark, stayed for a while to help manage the office during the transition, but eventually left Kenny to manage the business while also working as a technician/painter in the shop.


In those days, Kenny would have to stay at the shop all night on several occasions to get a customer’s car done when it was promised. He would sand and prepare the car for painting, and then lay down on the couch in the office, only to get right back up and paint the car in the predawn hours. In the beginning, it was not unusual to put in sixteen hour days, or more. This dedication earned the respect of the community, culminating in Spencer’s Body Shop being voted the best in Floyd County for over a decade. Kenny’s commitment extends beyond vehicular repairs; it is about caring for the people of Floyd.

The journey of Spencer’s Body Shop involves more than just repairing vehicles; it is about growth and evolution. Six and half years ago, the business moved into a new building, and then subsequently doubled the size of that building in 2021. This was a significant milestone. It was a testament to the shop’s willingness and ability to adapt to the ever-evolving demands of the automotive industry. Kenny reflects on the transformative experience of expanding the shop and the dynamics of managing a growing team. The expansion not only speaks to the success of the shop but also the commitment of the team behind it.


The success of Spencer’s Body Shop is not solely about repairing cars; it is about the individuals who form the team. Kenny Gardner has fostered a close-knit team that transcends the boundaries of traditional employees, they are a family. One example of Kenny’s care, and the family type atmosphere at the shop, was demonstrated when one of the employees’ grandparents died. Kenny closed the shop so that all the employees could attend the funeral. 


Central to The Body Shop’s success are the values modeled by Kenny Gardner. The values of honesty, hard work, and dedication are not just expectations, they are the pillars of a positive work environment where employees take ownership of their craft. All of the employees at Spencer’s Body Shop demonstrate a willingness to go above and beyond and to take pride in what they do. The relationship between Kenny and the employees is vital to the success of Spencer’s Body Shop.


When asked what some of the most rewarding aspects of owning the business have been, Kenny responded “seeing the smile on customer’s faces and the gratitude they express when picking up their repaired vehicles.” Another reward is being able to work with family over the years. He counts it an honor to work alongside all the employees at Spencer’s Body Shop. Along with that, experiencing the support of the community has been something that Kenny has been amazed by.

Kenny recounted the story of when the shop moved into its new building and how the community showed up to help. Unbeknownst to Kenny, Randall Harmon, a dear friend of Kenny’s, had contacted family and friends in the community to organize help. Kenny was overwhelmed at the number of people who showed up with trucks, trailers, and tractors to help move all of the equipment and vehicles to the new location. 


As Spencer’s Body Shop celebrates its 25th anniversary, Kenny Gardner envisions a future which extends beyond vehicular repairs. The vision includes providing more job opportunities and staying at the forefront of technological advancements. The partnership with Blue Ridge Color Company ensures that the team remains well informed about the ever-changing landscape of automotive technology. Kenny is not just looking at the future; he is committed to passing on the values of honesty, quality workmanship, and caring for people to the next generation.


Kenny Gardner’s journey with Spencer’s Body Shop encapsulates the essence of a small-town business making a big impact. It is a story of hard work, dedication, and a commitment to community values. As Spencer’s Body Shop stands at the crossroads of the past and the future, it remains anchored in the values that have shaped its success for the past twenty five years. In celebrating this milestone, Spencer’s Body Shop emerges not just as an automotive repair center but as a living testament to the enduring power of community, dedication, and personal care.


Spencer’s Body Shop  •  Kenny Gardner  •  540-745-5880

sbsgardners@hotmail.com  •  1276 Fraklin Pike, Floyd, VA