Kelly Phillips has been interested in photography since her eighth birthday, when her parents gifted her a Kodak 110 cartridge camera. Like a flash, Kelly was snapping and shooting everything in sight. Anything that caught her eye, or her interest, ended up on film. She often wonders if her parents ever regretted having to develop so much film! But by the end of that first summer, she had photographed friends, flowers, leaves, interesting moss, bark on the trees, and views from her treehouse. “I photographed everything I saw,” says Kelly. “Capturing all the little details of my yard.”
During her high school years, however, photography had to take a back seat to the many after-school activities that kept her busy. She would have loved for her high school to have a photography course, or even a club. It wouldn’t be until after graduation, however, that Kelly was able to dive back into the fascinating art of capturing a moment, an expression, a perspective, or even a detail, then letting the whole world see it through her eyes.
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